Tuesday, October 27, 2009

October 2009 Newsletter

October 2009 Newsletter
East County Counseling Service
Joanne Wieser, MA, LMFT, LMHC
PO Box 133
Elma, WA 98541
360-861-8184 or 360-470-3525

You've got to get up every morning with a smile on your face,
And show the world all the love in your heart,
Then people gonna treat you better.
You're gonna find, yes, you will,
That you're beautiful as you feel.
--Carole King

• Saving paper and stamps
• Mark Reed Health Fair, Saturday, October 10th 10AM to 3PM
• Grays Harbor County had 27th highest county divorce rate nationwide
• Finding Balance
• Returning books and video
• Book for the month, Your Anxious Child by John S. Dacey
• Video of the month “Marley and Me” rated PG
• Check out my blog: joannewieser.blogspot.com for my old newsletter
• Dr. Lori’s open house, Saturday, November 21st 3PM to 5PM. Check out the back of newsletter for more info.

I am again requesting that patients/clients pay their co payment at each and every session due to the cost of stamps and the time it takes to mail out statements. Some people pay ahead and then forget if they paid for the session and I end up having to bill so please pay each time. I will be offering payment by Visa/Master Charge by January. Also, if you would like my newsletter mailed to you please let me know or I can have a copy ready for you at your session. If you would like it e-mailed please give me your e-mail address. I will post my newsletter on my blog by the 20th of the month at joannewieser.bogspot.com.

Mark Reed Hospital had a Health Fair on Saturday, October 10th at the GH Fairgrounds. They had free bicycle helmets for the kids (my grandson is enjoying his) a helicopter and ambulance. They offered blood testing, health checks, foot massages, great door prizes and all for FREE. I enjoyed my free 5 minutes massage thanks to Crystal Weld, LMP (her office is next to mine). Since everything was free it made it all so much better. If you missed this year contact Mark Reed Hospital for next years date.

Check out “The Daily World” Aberdeen headlines for September 24th: Harbor divorce rate one of the highest. As a married woman and a counselor this statistic is staggering to think of number of people who will be affected by these divorces. I would like to help stop the trend by offering counseling at a reduced price. If you are interested in premarital or marital counseling I am offering a package price of 5 – 1 hour sessions of premarital counseling or marital counseling for $400.00. If you know a couple that is planning to wed this would be a great investment into their future. If you are couple planning to separate due to conflict this may help you to learn how to deal with conflict and improve your communicate.

Each night before going to bed, write down a list of 10 good things that happened that day. Each morning, write a list of 5 positive goals for the day.

I still have a number of books and videos that I have loaned out that have not been returned. I have couples and individuals waiting for the videos. Even if you do not plan to come back to see me please return them to my office. I am usually at my office at least once a day and you can place them in front of my door. Thanks in advance.

This is the book I donated for the raffle at the Health Fair. Your Anxious Child defines anxiety check out pg13 and talks about how anxiety is different at different ages and stages. What we know is that anxious children are more likely to become depressed. What is great about this book is that it has many games, activities, and exercises that you can do with your child at home. The activities are for ages 5 up to age 17 but they give instructions for younger children; appendix A has a list of the activities and their goals. They authors talk about their method “COPE’ to help children with anxiety problems, page 21.

Marley and Me is a true story of a real couple that had to learn not to give up on their dog and their marriage. It’s a family movie about the reality of being a father, husband, wife, and mother. The couple learned that having a pet means sacrifices just like having children and as parents they had to learn to love each of their children for whom they are. It’s a funny movie that is tearful at the end. It shows how the family dealt with the grief of losing someone they love. I think the best part is after the birth of their second child and they had to recommit to their marriage.

Please check out my blog for old newsletters. I have a number of websites sited for you to check out plus videos and books.

My daughter, Dr. Lori Wieser, ND “Natural Healing Family Medicine” is having her open house at her office on Saturday, November 21st from 3PM to 5PM. I will also have my office open and be there to say hello. She is offering samples of vitamins and nutritious refreshments. The open house if for all family members to attend hope you can make it.

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