Saturday, January 3, 2009

Happy & Healthy New Year

I found this going through my old documents. It seems to fit today as much as it did years ago when I wrote it. A mother never expects their child will be an alcoholic or be a victim of an alcohol accident. I hope it will help someone who is wondering if they or someone they love is an alcoholic.

I know most of you will think I am preaching but I need to get this off my chest because I love all of you too much. I just watched on Dateline the story of a woman who drove drunk and killed 2 people. As an alcohol and drug counselor this is old news but as a mother I never want this to happen to you. Either as a drunk driver or killed /injured by a drunk driver.

One of the ingrained ideas of alcoholics is that they believe they are not drinking that much. This is part of the disease and the alcohol. The alcohol screws up a person’s judgment and they just keep drinking.

There are a few warning signs of alcoholism. These do not mean a person is an alcoholic but it means if they are not yet they will be:
They continue drinking after 2 or 3 drinks. (after the buzz)
They gulp drinks. (to get the high, drunk faster)
They can’t leave ½ a drink or half a bottle (they drink until it’s all gone)
They have blackouts (they don’t remember what they did or how many drinks they had or how they got home)
They get into fights/arguments with people who try to take their keys away or tell them to slow down on their drinking.
They only feel normal after a few drinks.
They drink to change their mood (sad, tired, angry, etc) or say I deserve to drink.
They only hang out with people who drink to excess.
They binge drink (drink once a week or even less) but to intoxication.
People (friends & family) don’t want to drink with them anymore due to their obnoxious behavior.
People make fun of them (laugh behind their backs) when they drink.
People get mad because they have to take care of them when they drink.
They don’t see their behavior as negative or life threatening.
They lie to themselves and everyone else about how much they drink.
They encourage others to drink like them (even loved ones) by mixing their drinks stronger than necessary.
They say to themselves “I work every day, pay my bills, I can’t be a drunk” and then make an ass of themselves or drive drunk or get into fights or pass out.

Alcoholism runs in my family and all my children are at risk. I have seen all of the above in my own family and I never want this for my children. I know all of you are adults and can make your own decisions but if you fit any of the description above- get help because I love you.

I hope I did not offend anyone but if it helps any of you it was worth it. I just hope I’m not too late. Love, Mom

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